回复 :萧条的城市里,帮派分子随处可见,担任黑手党会计的杰克因为私吞黑手党财产并向警方告密,而遭到黑手党监视,他一家人被困在公寓中随时会遭遇不测。杰克和妻子将小儿子菲尔托付给单身女邻居葛洛莉(吉娜·罗兰兹 Gena Rowlands 饰),然而他们自己却没能躲过黑手党……欲追回钱款的黑手党继续追索菲尔,但此时,身份并不简单的葛洛莉挺身而出,决定保护这个陌生的男孩。二人在黑手党的包围中侥幸逃走,声称厌恶孩子的葛洛莉与英语不甚流利的混血男孩在步步惊心的旅途中营造了互信与默契,但葛洛莉清楚,真正的把菲尔从黑手党手中解救出来需要她做出一个惊险的决定……
回复 :A busy Nanny School in Indramayu (West Java) is preparing hundreds of women each year for life as domestic workers abroad. Help is on the way? explores the various characters that undertake the required training and development, following them from the village to the school, into Jakarta and eventually working abroad in Taiwan. We also explore the role of the agents, teachers and personnel at the school. It is at times an emotional journey but also funny, enlightening and a little competitive, offering a unique insight into a lifestyle not often seen on screen.
回复 :英国某小镇上的两个男子鲍勃(Bruce Jones 布鲁斯•琼斯 饰)和汤米(Ricky Tomlinson 里奇•汤姆林森 饰)中年失业,生活陷入困境。两人铤而走险,驱车到山里偷羊,然后请屠夫加工羊肉四处兜售。钱未赚到手,赖以为生的货车却又被人偷去。他们只能四处打零工赚钱,水管工、酒吧保镖甚至草皮小偷,为了钱想尽办法。高利贷商人威尔林闯入鲍勃家催帐,羞辱他的妻子和女儿。鲍勃气愤不过,手持铁钳前去寻仇……本片荣获1993年戛纳国际电影节评委会大奖。