回复 :《贝茨旅馆》(Bates Motel)获得第4、5季预订,共20集,第5季2017年开播。
回复 :A fourth season of 12 episodes has been confirmed and will premiere on June 23, 2014 on MTV. This will be the first season not to star Crystal Reed. New cast additions include Meagan Tandy as Braeden (who only appeared in 2 episodes of season 3), Dylan Sprayberry as "Liam", Khylin Rambo as Mason “an out-and-proud athlete” and Mason Dye as his best friend Garrett. Dylan O'Brien confirmed in an interview that Malia Tate (Shelley Hennig) would be a regular next season and joins the pack.
回复 :Chance、Winston和Guerrero三个男人一台戏,在上季之中铁三角每次都能逢凶化吉完成每一次任务,这个三人组成的保安公司上天入地无所不能;在上季季终向我们交待了Chance、Winston和Guerrero三个人是如何聚在一起的,并且拯救那些身处险境的人,我们也知道了他们的一些过往;在女性搭档如走马灯的连环换将之后,终于要在第2季迎来女性搭档的常规角色。上季季终Winston被绑事件也将为我们呈现最新的动态,当然,他们依然会成为别人的替身标靶,来完成不可能的任务。替身标靶第2季,敬请期待。