回复 :A German woman goes to the town on the Red Sea where her Arab lover has just died. Beyond a simple story of mourning, the invention of an eerie port town by this young Jordanian filmmaker has Durassian echoes: the death of both a man and a city. The odyssey concludes in a hotel bar, backed by a popular Middle Eastern song.
回复 :叶逸凡与何嘉如是一对人人称羡的恩爱夫妻,何嘉如意外怀上二胎,舍不得放弃宝宝的两个人,决意换一间价廉物美的新房,可换房的麻烦也接踵而至,就在两人签约新房之时,叶爸突发脑溢血住院,小夫妻毅然决然拿出房款拯救叶爸,好在老人有惊无险挺了过来,可新房成为泡影。公司雪中送炭,只要何 嘉如纪录片顺利开机,就能以内部价格购买一套新房。一家人再次燃起希望团结一致,但难题依然不断,何嘉如拿到投资后前往西双版纳拍摄纪录片,可所有母带却被一场大火付之一炬,叶逸凡拼命奔走,找出真相。最终何嘉如沉冤昭雪纪录片得以上线。
回复 :In a Bulgarian mountain village, where prejudice simmers, a summer romance begins between two boys from different worlds. Victor (27) has a nice life in Madrid with his partner, Jose. He returns to his childhood home in Bulgaria for his grandfather’s funeral, and decides to stay for the summer. While reconnecting with his father and the village way of life, he unexpectedly finds love in the form of Liuben, an 18-year-old Roma boy. Despite their differences, and the conflicts around them, Victor and Liuben find refuge in each other.