回复 :The play tells the story of a young couple, Cathy (played by Carol White) and Reg (Ray Brooks). Initially their relationship flourishes and they have a child and move into a modern home. When Reg is injured and loses his well-paid job, they are evicted by bailiffs, and they face a life of poverty and unemployment, illegally squatting in empty houses and staying in shelters. Finally, Cathy has her children taken away by social services.
回复 :故事发生在今天的北非和中东间的某个小村落。自古以来,顶着烈日去深山挑水的重担一直落在村里的女人身上。新婚的Leila建议女人们向男人“开战”:如果他们不去挑水,便再也无权享受鱼水之欢。
回复 :T•C• Jeffords是一个自大、冷酷的农场主,他的女儿Vency一直希望代替死去的母亲,获得父亲的爱与权力,直到一天TC带回另一个女人。Vency与父亲决裂,并最终靠自己的力量夺走了农场。