吴清胖女郎珊因体型肥胖加上动作迟缓, 打工屡次被辞退, 影响她做人消极, 缺乏自信心. 珊认识另一身躯肥胖的麦包, 他的性格却甚为乐观, 时常鼓励珊, 并且因为他积极和乐天的个性, 使珊父去除顽固, 与子女关系改善. 珊与麦在一商场当便衣保安, 追查炸弹勒索事, 先是乌龙百出, 正当面临被辞退时, 二人发现线索, 施展浑身解数, 终联手勇擒劫匪!
吴清胖女郎珊因体型肥胖加上动作迟缓, 打工屡次被辞退, 影响她做人消极, 缺乏自信心. 珊认识另一身躯肥胖的麦包, 他的性格却甚为乐观, 时常鼓励珊, 并且因为他积极和乐天的个性, 使珊父去除顽固, 与子女关系改善. 珊与麦在一商场当便衣保安, 追查炸弹勒索事, 先是乌龙百出, 正当面临被辞退时, 二人发现线索, 施展浑身解数, 终联手勇擒劫匪!
回复 :阿龙(陈观泰 饰)是警方是卧底,但因为身份被曝露而被打伤,身受重伤导致失去记忆。但在他手上五千多万的公款不翼而飞了。此时他正受到黑帮的追杀,又使警方怀疑他私吞了公款而被通缉,两面受困。阿星(周星驰 饰)是一名小偷,在一次偷窃中被阿龙搞砸了,两人就此结识了。失去记忆的阿龙误以为阿星是自己的亲人,终日都要跟随在阿星的身边。阿星希望尽力帮助阿龙恢复记忆,让他想起五千万巨款的下落。终于,他们遇到了探长(曾江 饰),当探长把他们带到一个仓库中的时候,阿龙突然想起来了一切……
回复 :女主人公的家庭生活很不幸福,婚姻走到了崩溃的边缘,然而这时一场突发的意外使她丧失了之前15年的记忆。不再为过去的糟糕经历所累的她,婚姻又开始出现了转机。
回复 :This is story about a dentist with the talent of painlessly extracting teeth, and what happens to him as a result of being naturally good at his job. It is told with humour (much of it quite subtle, almost surreal, and in the background - imagine a street scene where everyone on the sidewalk on one side of the road walks in just one direction, and on the other side in the other), poignancy, and a frequent breaking of the 4th wall between the movie and the audience (think of what happens in Shakespeare's plays, and you'll be close). It also features some songs by Novella Matveyeva, a famous Russian singer-songwriter (her songs are sung by the leading actress).