回复 :Frank Tagliano ('Steven Van Zandt' ), is a former New York mobster, who after testifying in a trial in the United States, Tagliano joins the witness protection program. Intrigued by the place after watching the Winter Olympics in 1994, he is relocated to Lillehammer in Norway. The transition from being a feared and respected gangster in New York, to becoming an unemployed immigrant in Norway, is not simple. Frank soon discovers that in order to succeed in this rural Norwegian society, he must resort to his old ways.
回复 :第三季《世界听我说》节目的华人讲述者来自全球五大洲二十多个国家和地区,从事着科技、体育、文化等三十多个不同行业、不同领域的工作,这之中有92岁的奥斯卡终身评委卢燕女士、非洲首位华人酋长胡介国、北美洲加拿大卑诗省议员屈洁冰......他们从不同角度展现华人在世界舞台的杰出成就及卓越风采,以深情演讲见证近百年华人历史变迁。
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