回复 :Reese Donahue (Jessica Rothe) an aspiring writer, works hard to keep from working. She suffers from a strong case of entitlement. Her mother died when she was sixteen, and her father, Grayson Donahue (Kevin Kilner) tries to give Reese and her sister, Audrey (Louise Dylan) all that they need.When a family secret is uncovered, Reese feels betrayed, and alone, and is faced with a decision, to take what her mother wanted for her, or to stay in a predestined life that’s not nearly as exciting as the unknown.
回复 :The first feature film from accomplished short filmmaker Kate Shenton, On Tender Hooks is a documentary film delving into the world of human suspension and the people involved. Kate spends a year following a different people and group of suspenders. Every Sunday they pierce themselves with hooks and hang in mid-air from rigs in a display that challenges the perceptions and squeamishness of even the most hardened. The film is a fly on the wall documentary showing how the ordinary human body can achieve extraordinary things. Beginning with groups in London, and then following events in Rico, Croatia and Oslo, Norway, the film depicts a wide variety of experience and opinions, and delves thoughtfully into a deeply misunderstood practice On Tender Hooks was a self-funded project filmed and edited by director Kate Shenton. Completed in 2012 it is an example of independent film-making at its purest. Written by Kate Shenton
回复 :1950年代,全国性剿匪战斗正进行的如火如荼,盘距在云雾山的残匪吴济天(李宗林 饰)部作着最后挣扎。田冬生(白英宽 饰)带领剿匪战士开进土匪驻地吴家寨,在稻草堆里发现方大嫂,老贫农周庆福(张延 饰)也赶来向田冬生介绍吴济天的密洞情况。焦五(田烈 饰)发现解放军进寨,火速通知吴济天,双方发生激战,撤退时田冬生被俘,被投入水牢,他伙同水牢被押同志将送饭匪徒打死,一并逃回驻地,连长(王枫 饰)批评了田冬生侦察中的轻率行为。团长(马世达 饰)掌握吴济天情况后,令全团进军吴家寨,溃逃的敌人被迫分散行动。朝鲜战争的爆发令吴济天心头一喜,但接二连三的行动失败也让他踏上一条不归路......