丽水市——秀山丽水,新结养生福地,新结是中外着名的浙江第一“绿谷”。女大学生袁梦瑶(颜丹晨 饰)毕业后,在此与小伙伴们一起创业,并请技术专家刘方(顾易浩 饰)前来自己企业指导。这位型男的到来,引发梁艳的春心荡漾,谁知刘方却对袁梦瑶一见钟情,于是当然急坏了暗恋袁梦瑶已久的姚大熊(杨大鹏 饰),加上官员叔叔(邵峰 饰)和着名红娘各点鸳鸯谱……这可叫一个情乱意错如何是好?在生态都市的蓝天白云下,笑料百出的养生福地,最终会成为荷尔蒙充沛的育情圣地吗?
丽水市——秀山丽水,新结养生福地,新结是中外着名的浙江第一“绿谷”。女大学生袁梦瑶(颜丹晨 饰)毕业后,在此与小伙伴们一起创业,并请技术专家刘方(顾易浩 饰)前来自己企业指导。这位型男的到来,引发梁艳的春心荡漾,谁知刘方却对袁梦瑶一见钟情,于是当然急坏了暗恋袁梦瑶已久的姚大熊(杨大鹏 饰),加上官员叔叔(邵峰 饰)和着名红娘各点鸳鸯谱……这可叫一个情乱意错如何是好?在生态都市的蓝天白云下,笑料百出的养生福地,最终会成为荷尔蒙充沛的育情圣地吗?
回复 :风光旖旎的海岛度假酒店,遭遇突如其来的海啸袭击,与海啸一起肆虐而来的,是一条生猛的巨鲨!循着血腥味而来的鲨鱼与惊魂未定的游客,即将展开生死对决!
回复 :一卷神秘的卡带让黄雨萱拥有了特殊的能力。她能否回到过去,改变相恋多年的爱人李子维的命运?错过的恋人们是否可以重新开始?爱让一切有了曲折,也有了力量。
回复 :In the year 2961, the time is after humanity and nature has recovered the land. A hunter named Cygnus is called to rise above his duty. He provides for Last Arc, a once nomadic band of survivors in need of food and water that is now growing scarce. The answer must be found before a group of outlandish Heretics descend upon them. Cygnus must voyage across the treacherous landscape to defend his people. Sent by Nova, the matriarch of the band, she acts based on her vision for Cygnus to find a seed of hope. The future of Last Arc is for him to discover, Cygnus ventures into a hostile landscape in search of an answer for his people. On this journey of encountering many traps and dangers, Cygnus discovers what has been hunting him is his identity.