春暖Justin returns from living abroad in the hope of reconnecting with the biological daughter that he gave up for adoption. His plans go awry when he finds out his father left the family cottage to his stepsister.
春暖Justin returns from living abroad in the hope of reconnecting with the biological daughter that he gave up for adoption. His plans go awry when he finds out his father left the family cottage to his stepsister.
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回复 :程家世代经营染布生意,店铺缬彩坊生意滔滔。程家四位公子性格各异,资质人品也有所不同。其余三名儿子与各自的妻子都对家族生意虎视眈眈,一番番钩心斗角的情况上演,令母亲(黄淑仪 饰)头疼不已。四公子程智轩(林文龙 饰)才智过人,后来更受皇上赐婚,妻子是吐鲁番王爷的女儿顿珠(文颂娴 饰)。但其实程智轩对做客家中的少女周梦诗情愫暗生,本来就对智轩毫无感情的顿珠更主动为丈夫与梦诗牵红线,令人啼笑皆非。三公子(郑中基 饰)得罪权贵,使缬彩坊的生意一落千丈,家族生意就此结束。幸好顿珠因善待遇劫的商人而幸得订单,程家事业有望复苏,经过了历练后家中各人更显和睦。高中状元回乡的智轩面对家中变化对顿珠倍感感激,两人最终成为了夫妻。顿珠也发现了智轩的真实身份……