回复 :故事讲述星猫和12星球战士们的孩子,由于外出时游艇损坏,一起流落到了一个无人岛上,大家在这里共同合作,共同努力,战胜了寒冷,食物短缺等众多困难。而且还在岛上结识了3只小兔子,大家在一起生活,不但了解了很多野外生存的知识,还在同伴出孕育出了坚不可摧的友情。在最后的暴风雨来临之时,大家运用平时学到的知识,共同努力对抗强大的自然气候,还在紧要关头,救下了即将被积水淹没的小兔子们,一起迎来了救援部队。最终星猫与12个小伙伴告别了兔子们,回到了家乡。
回复 :This is the incredible true story of a little girl’s kidnap, her five year survival alone in the jungle…and the monkeys who saved her.A unique journey from feral child to modern day Grandma now living happily in Bradford, England.Marina Chapman doesn’t know her real name or her biological family.She claims that as a child in Colombia she was abducted and abandoned in the jungle, and that she survived by living alone with monkeys for five years.Now, fifty years later, Marina is returning to Colombia with her daughter to try and uncover the truth.Scientists will analyse her bones, test her subconscious responses, examine the inner workings of her mind and a leading primatologist will try and pick holes in her knowledge of monkeys and their behaviour.Who were her real family? Why was she kidnapped? Could a five year old girl really survive in the jungle so long in the company of monkeys? Is Marina Chapman a fantasist? Or was she truly raised by monkeys?What the journey uncovers is incredible. But do the experts give her the answers she’s been searching for? Or will they shoot her story down in flames?Find out in the Woman Raised By Monkeys.
回复 :节目记录了主人公们知晓世界百味、直面生活疾风暴雨的决定性阶段。主创团队精选四组对立的关键词展开横向比照,通过“圆”与“缺”、“纳”与“拒”、“是”与“非”、“破”与“立”主题下的八幅人生图景,用多维度多视角观察普通人在面临决定性瞬间时的选择与命运。通过洞察每个独一无二的“人生第二次”故事,展现中国人面对困境的勇气和坚韧,激发观众对生活的勇气,对于人生和未来的多一重思考。