回复 :杰克杜兰是性格火爆但受人敬重的餐厅老板,他经营的餐馆全年无休,是深受各界名人政客以及黑手党们喜爱的聚会场所,因为店内不但提供一流美食,更为客人守住所有饭桌上的秘bbb。小小的餐馆看尽了来来去去的繁华人生,就如同杰克与他的餐饮事业一样,注定成为神秘的传奇故事。
回复 :故事发生在20世纪80年代,海湾市海关查扣了一个寄往香港的包裹,里面发现一件走私文物玉香笼。经过北京故宫博物院专家的考证,该文物是宫廷散落在民间的珍宝,运送北京途中被人所盗。由于事关重大,警方旋即成立调查组,按照相关线索他们终于锁定了嫌疑人,谁知嫌疑人却早已死于非命。根据相关证据,探员欧阳的准岳父——著名考古学教授司徒玉身上有着重大的嫌疑。在国法和爱情面前,欧阳不免顾虑重重。而承受巨大压力的司徒玉也吐露了解放前发生在玉香笼身上的一段隐情。案情错综复杂,而狡猾残忍的走私团伙的行踪也在警方追查下昭然若现……
回复 :Based on the actual 11-day disappearance of famed mystery writer Agatha Christie in 1926, the film fictionalizes her whereabouts during that time. When her husband announces that he is leaving her for another woman, Christie creates a mystery out of her own life by hiding in a Harrogate hotel and plotting revenge on her spouse while all of England searches for her. The reporter who finds Christie tries to foil her plan and finally falls in love with her.