回复 :Adventurer Ben Fogle gets a taste of extreme escapism in this brand new series meeting those who have turned their backs on the daily grind. Each week, Ben spends time in one of the world’s most remote locations, meeting the people who now inhabit these inhospitable corners of the planet after leaving their ordinary lives behind.Our intrepid guide also wonders whether these extraordinary individuals and their incredible experiences might tempt him to move his own family out of London and away from the comforts of the city. Is it daring or downright crazy? Ben wants to discover the truth about life in tough, harsh conditions, where doing battle with Mother Nature is a daily reality.
回复 :动画作品《Little Busters! EX》是Key社出品的游戏《Little Busters!》第三度动画化的作品,前两作分别是《Little Busters!》和《Little Busters! ~Refrain~》。动画将涉及原作游戏的追加版《Little Busters! Ecstasy》(リトルバスターズ! エクスタシー)中的剧情。
回复 :电击文库最畅销的轻小说《魔法禁书目录》曾在2008年10月由J.C.Staff改编成同名TV动画并大获好评,其外传《某科学的超电磁炮》也于09年10月改编成TV动画,相信不少观众早已拜倒在炮姐裙底的安全裤上。5月20日从日本著名的映像出版会社TSUTAYA传出了2010年秋天动画二期的图片。