回复 :Mike是一名卧底探员,在夜店邂逅了小丽,两人迅速打得火热,丽更要求Mike与妻子离婚。在一次警方围剿中,丽中了枪,在临终前对Mike的身份感到怀疑,结果含恨而逝……Mike虽完成了任务,但对丽的死始终深感内疚。青年干探超在回家途中,遇着丽的阴魂,丽于是附在超身上去追查Mike的身份,从此令Mike一家生活在极度恶惧中……
回复 :海洋生物学家艾布·安德森和宇航员哈罗德·理查兹中校自愿参加了一个科学研究项目:驾驶飞船前往宇宙尽头。十三年过去,两人在飞船上度过了漫长而无聊的岁月,渐渐从互看不顺眼的陌生人,变成了至交好友。每日与蜜蜂、老电视剧,与飞船做伴,两人不知何时能走到宇宙的尽头,无奈与焦急的期盼着。然而一次意外中,哈罗德触电身亡,留下对驾驶飞船一无所知的艾布,面对着茫茫宇宙彷徨失措,正当艾布万念俱灰,准备结束自己的生命时,飞船驶入一片黑暗,紧接着怪事发生了,艾布似乎发现了宇宙深处的惊天秘密......
回复 :PARK Duk-joon is an old man living by himself. Every night, he suffers from insomnia attacks brought on by disturbing flashes from his dark past. He tries in vain to pray and find solace in religion. His only friend is Mrs. LEE, a church elder who gives him weekly church bulletins. Mrs. LEE invites him to a testimonial at her church. Duk-joon is surprised to see the face of the speaker. He is LIM Gwang-han, Duk-joon’s former superior officer from his days as a police interrogator in the 80s. They meet for the first time in years, Gwang-han brings up Duk-joon’s painful past again.