回复 :When a group of horny teens wind up on the grounds of a creepy abandoned asylum, they think they’ve found the perfect place to party. Little do they know that inside the building’s crumbling walls lurks a freakishly deformed maniac, driven to madness by the tragic loss of his fiancée in a car accident. With an array of grisly surgical tools at his disposal, it’s only a matter of time before the youngsters begin meeting various splattery ends at the hands of the ghoulish Coroner.Helmed by director Richard Friedman (Scared Stiff and Phantom of the Mall: Eric’s Revenge), and also starring Penthouse Pet of the Year 1988 Patty Mullen (Frankenhooker), Doom Asylum combines outlandish gore and a wise-cracking villain to create one of the most wildly entertainingly blood-spattered slashers of the late ’80s.
回复 :内心怀抱着难以治愈的伤痛,宛如浮萍在人间漂泊的友里(濑户果步饰),最后选在一间小小的旧书店落脚,并且嫁给了该书店的老板阿友(宇野祥平饰),成了旧书店的老板娘。阿友虽然对因车祸过世的前妻念念不忘,却在生活上十分依赖友里。另一方面,与阿友从小就相识的隆太发现了过世的父亲遗留下来的诗集,因此契机让他和友里在不知不觉中相互吸引,进而坠入了爱河。友里若想与隆太持续下去,就代表着她必须要离开阿友,这段纠结的三角关系也让他们的生活产生了变化……
回复 :大卫的爷爷在过81岁生日时许下了一个心愿,愿自己能重返18岁。一次,爷孙俩在车上嬉戏出了车祸,结果爷孙俩的年龄互换了,老人成了大卫,并到大学里重新体验了年轻人的生活。