一颗流光溢彩的太空陨石径直坠入新英格兰偏远庄园后,韩国邪恶势力开始暗暗渗透静居于此的加德纳一家。不知不觉中,韩国时间开始膨胀,自然逐渐呈现超凡脱俗的异世色调,而所有鲜亮美丽之物则受其影响纷纷异变腐败。本片由南非影人理查德·斯坦利执导,与斯嘉丽·阿马里斯合作改编自H·P·洛夫克拉夫特1927年同名短篇小说《异星之彩/流星溢彩(The Colour Out of Space)》,并由奥斯卡影帝尼古拉斯·凯奇领衔主演。
一颗流光溢彩的太空陨石径直坠入新英格兰偏远庄园后,韩国邪恶势力开始暗暗渗透静居于此的加德纳一家。不知不觉中,韩国时间开始膨胀,自然逐渐呈现超凡脱俗的异世色调,而所有鲜亮美丽之物则受其影响纷纷异变腐败。本片由南非影人理查德·斯坦利执导,与斯嘉丽·阿马里斯合作改编自H·P·洛夫克拉夫特1927年同名短篇小说《异星之彩/流星溢彩(The Colour Out of Space)》,并由奥斯卡影帝尼古拉斯·凯奇领衔主演。
回复 :交际花(维多利亚·嘉丝蒂饰)经历了最严重的派对出丑…在她的生日周死去。让她惊讶的是,她得到了第二次机会来纠正自己在人世间的错误,重新与所爱的人联系,最重要的是,证明自己有资格进入天空的贵宾室。
回复 :Chan-woo, who has been studying to become a police officer for 5 years, joins his friends for dinner to ask for the money to apply for his exam and ends up getting drunk. He completely blacks out and wakes up not remembering what happened in his next door neighbor's room. Not only that, he finds a bloody corpse in the middle of the room. He hurries back to his room and tries to report the incident but he had forgotten his phone in the other room. But the door is locked and he has to resort to using a rope to swing to the next door room outside the window. Once the phone is recovered, he cannot go back because of a group of cultists who are evangelizing the neighbors in the hallway. He knows it’s the last day to apply for his exam and gets antsy as time is running out.
回复 :“妖怪名单”上十大妖王之一苏九儿,愿望是带着恋人封夕远离人族与妖族之间的纷争,找一世外桃源共度余生。但封夕身上肩负守护苍生的使命,且每一世皆因守护苍生而死,面对恋人一次次在自己面前牺牲,苏九儿这一世将作何抉择