警探Follows a troubled couple and their daughter who go on vacation to an isolated house in the Louisiana bayou to reconnect as a family. But when unexpected visitors arrive, the unity starts to unravel.
警探Follows a troubled couple and their daughter who go on vacation to an isolated house in the Louisiana bayou to reconnect as a family. But when unexpected visitors arrive, the unity starts to unravel.
回复 :塞德尔跟拍了一些从德国和奥地利前往纳米比亚进行狩猎旅行的游客,记录下他们从埋伏到射杀动物的全过程。
回复 :“竖锯”(托宾·贝尔 Tobin Bell 饰)和新学徒阿曼达一起失踪,警方四处搜索,满城阴云密布。一天夜里,刚值完晚班的女医生莲恩·戴伦(巴哈·索莫克 Bahar Soomekh 饰)惨遭绑架,醒来时惊恐万分的莲恩,发现自己被捆绑在一间废弃的空屋里,同屋的还有另一名倒霉受害者杰夫(安古斯·麦克菲登 Angus Macfadyen 饰)。此时“竖锯 ”已卧床不起、奄奄一息,莲恩被告知除非她能在死亡游戏完成前保住这个疯子的性命,否则她和杰夫必死无疑!为了活下去,神经高度紧张、备受煎熬的莲恩想尽办法让“竖锯”保住最后的呼吸。然而她却怎么也想不到,杀人狂暗地里有着更可怕的杀人计划--那将会是恶名彰著的“竖锯”绞尽心血的死前华彩!最后的终极死亡游戏即将开始……
回复 : Seven people waiting for their death. A group of assasins - three men and two women - and Gypsy thief spend their time in prison to be tucked up. Within psychological realism, which encompassed the period’s predilection for existential mimicry, Martin Holly created an outstanding film, an adaptation of a story by the Russian author Leonid Andreev. Holly’s The Ballad of Seven Ha...