男主角ゴウ(泽田)是一个一心痴迷电影、亚洲月也去无心顾及家庭的人,亚洲月也去年轻时的他(菅田将暉 饰)曾经想成为导演,于是去到剧组干起副导演的活。他当时爱上了在食堂工作的女孩淑子(永野芽郁 饰),还跟放映师テラシン(野田洋次郎 饰)对电影的话题交流甚欢。当ゴウ终于等到了拍电影的机会时,一场事故让电影化为泡影。半个世纪过去后,当初的剧本再次出现,一家人的命运也迎来改变。
男主角ゴウ(泽田)是一个一心痴迷电影、亚洲月也去无心顾及家庭的人,亚洲月也去年轻时的他(菅田将暉 饰)曾经想成为导演,于是去到剧组干起副导演的活。他当时爱上了在食堂工作的女孩淑子(永野芽郁 饰),还跟放映师テラシン(野田洋次郎 饰)对电影的话题交流甚欢。当ゴウ终于等到了拍电影的机会时,一场事故让电影化为泡影。半个世纪过去后,当初的剧本再次出现,一家人的命运也迎来改变。
回复 :纽约百老汇,戏剧导演Oscar Jaffe(约翰·巴里摩尔 John Barrymore 饰)捧红了女演员Lily Garland(卡洛·朗白 Carole Lombard 饰),两人成为百老汇票房保证,同时也是一对情侣。合作三年后,Lily因为受不了Oscar对她私人生活的过度干预,偷偷跑去了好莱坞演电影。Oscar一怒之下起用了新的女演员,可惜票房很差,还在芝加哥欠下了债。在从芝加哥回纽约的二十世纪列车上,Oscar机缘巧合又和Lily在同一列火车上。Oscar试图挽回Lily,不管是爱情还是演戏,但Lily已经有了另外的恋人,也对重新和Oscar合作不感兴趣。这列火车上碰巧有一位脑子不大好使的大富翁,Oscar利用这个富翁给他开了张支票,试图以这张支票来让Lily签了演戏的合约。然而这位所谓“大富翁”原来不过是个精神病人,Oscar手中的支票毫无价值。心灰意冷的Oscar决定开枪自尽......
回复 :Documents the chilling 70s-80s era of rampant serial killers in Los Angeles. Features first-hand accounts from the detectives, who tracked down these killers bringing justice for the victims and survivors.
回复 :Memorial Day, 1993. When 13-year-old Kyle Vogel discovers the World War II footlocker belonging to his grandfather, Bud, everyone tells Kyle to put it back. Luckily, he ignores them. Although Bud has never talked about the war, he finds himself striking a deal with his grandson: Kyle can pick any three souvenirs, and Bud will tell him the stories behind each one. Memorial Day not only takes us on a journey into Bud's complicated wartime past, but also into Kyle's wartime future. As the two men share parallel experiences in combat, they come to realize how that magical day on the porch shaped both of their lives.