回复 :Feature documentary about legendary oceanographer, marine biologist, environmentalist and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Sylvia Earle, and her campaign to create a global network of protected marine sanctuaries. Currently in post-production.
回复 :首先要声明一点,站在我们眼前的大块头肥妞贾兹敏·比特摩尔可没披挂什么橡胶皮囊,她是个货真价实的肥妹有情天,虽然她在人前一副“性感肥妞”代言人的派头,可心里压根就不相信是因为脂肪而美丽。贾斯敏与同病相怜的挚交斯特西坚信三件事:她们都不满足于在布鲁姆菲尔德女性时尚用品店的店员生活;她们憎恨苗条女孩儿;她们需要男人,尽管两人对此不抱希望。贾斯敏有个梦想,就是成为时尚设计师,专为肥妞们设计服装……
回复 :The Future of Work and Death is a documentary concerning the growth of exponential technology and where it is taking us. The film focuses on how future technology could significantly change the two inevitable features of the human experience; punching the clock and fading away. It explores how advanced automation, AI and technological singularity could be achievable in the next 30 years. How job obsolescence and technological unemployment could consequently occur and how digital immortality may not be a thing of science fiction. But what are the socio-political repercussions of these innovations and are we ready for them? Does working less mean living more and is ending ageing incumbent on us? Worldwide experts in the fields of futurology, anthropology, neuroscience and philosophy share their thoughts on these future advancements.