国产A stranger who turns up at a resort hotel in midwinter, behaves rudely towards other guests and disappears the next day. Found half-frozen in the snow he is taken to hospital where his story is gradually revealed.
国产A stranger who turns up at a resort hotel in midwinter, behaves rudely towards other guests and disappears the next day. Found half-frozen in the snow he is taken to hospital where his story is gradually revealed.
回复 :伊藤ちひろが自身の同名小説を映像化した本作の主人公は、人とうまくコミュニケーションが取れない歯科医師ススメ。劇中では、彼がマッサージ店で働く宮子に恋をして思い悩み、宮子の身に起きたある事実を知るさまが描かれる。
回复 :一个年轻人的新娘被邪恶的国王绑架,他向大力神寻求帮助。因杀害家人而被放逐,破落的英雄一直过着流亡生活。年轻人的勇气激励了海克力斯。他们一起抗争,拯救新娘并且挽回了大力士的荣誉。
回复 :岳正宇在同学聚会上偶遇了失联多年的患难初恋,影星兰汀儿。得知兰汀儿身处被粉丝跟踪的危机后义不容辞展开援手,重燃对兰汀儿的深厚感情。殊不知掉入兰汀儿处心积虑设好的圈套。