回复 :顺(吴毅将)与康(莫家尧)份属好友,俩同是飞虎队中水鬼队的精英。一次悍匪在邮轮上买卖军火,飞虎队奉命出动,与悍匪火并,虽起回军火,却被匪徒首领勇(陈启泰)逃脱。一日,康遇见温柔文静的护士雅(陈芷菁),深表倾慕,却不知顺早认识雅,并有意追求。适外籍队长即将退役,顺与康成热门接任人选。后谣传顺获晋升,康气愤不服,兄弟陷入决裂边缘。时勇挟持雅作人质,飞虎队追至,但遇地雷伏击,死伤无数。究竟顺能否救回雅?他与康又会否冰释前嫌?
回复 :一帮退休的罪犯在伦敦的珠宝区实施了一起重大抢劫案。
回复 :Is it just another evening at the hugely popular Italian restaurant of proprietor and bookmaker Louis Cropa in New York? Anything but as tonight's guests include; a local police detective and his wife specially invited by the owner; on the balcony rival bookmaker gangsters from Queens who want to become partners in the restaurant; in the corner renowned food critic 'the food nymph' is her usual demanding self; and at the bar, seemingly unnoticed, is Ken. As the evening continues enter Duncan, inveterate gambler and sous-chef on-the-line in the frenetic kitchen downstairs, who acts as the catalyst that causes the evening to draw to its inevitable, explosive, deadly conclusion. Written by Mark Smith <msmith@osi.co.uk>