私人Joaquin de Paso’s gritty Mexican coming-of-age story The Hole In The Fence centres on a prestigious private boys’ school in Mexico where youngsters receive a tough physical, moral and religious training designed to turn them into tomorrow’s elite.
私人Joaquin de Paso’s gritty Mexican coming-of-age story The Hole In The Fence centres on a prestigious private boys’ school in Mexico where youngsters receive a tough physical, moral and religious training designed to turn them into tomorrow’s elite.
回复 :故事发生在80年代的一个旅馆里。一群程序员试图发明出终极电脑象棋程序,用以进行人机大战.安德鲁·布西内斯克在2009曾有一部才华横溢的《蜂蜡》,并入选《纽约客》年度十佳片,《电脑棋局》为沉寂几年之后带来的新片。这是一个黑白风格的伪纪录片,手持摄影以及伪记录风都将是本片看点,这个有点极客的故事相信也会很受影迷喜爱
回复 :After being relegated, the two fighting brothers signed up for a new game. But they didn't know that they need to stay in an arena to fight zombies.
回复 :巴西東北的草原邊,日日上演暴烈的牛仔競技戲碼。男人負責照顧後台牛隻,女人身兼情色秀場舞孃,白天在塵土黃沙中揮汗,夜裡飽漲情慾開始橫流。他們共同養育小女孩卡卡,以卡車和道路為家,遊牧到下一個演出地點。當地正蓬勃發展時尚紡織工廠,閃亮亮片、精緻布料帶來新的野心,卻也威脅著他們的邊緣生存,孤單的靈魂、生活的未來想像,都在原始慾望的漩渦中四處衝撞,掙扎著尋找出口。