春暖查询A small town is haunted by the twin daughters of a wrongfully convicted man. Young Jordan is sent down the path to who the real killer is only to find the killer is very close to her.
春暖查询A small town is haunted by the twin daughters of a wrongfully convicted man. Young Jordan is sent down the path to who the real killer is only to find the killer is very close to her.
回复 :电影《德令哈之夜》讲述了几个年轻人在追求音乐的道路上所发生的青春故事,同时展现了德都蒙古民族传统习俗及音乐文化内涵。
回复 :肖恩(Dwayne Douglas Johnson)是少年监管所的管理员,每天都为少年犯之间的纷争而烦恼。在他看来这些少年犯在这样的监禁环境下根本无法洗心革面,他的工作毫无意义。在年迈母亲的鼓励下,肖恩决定用橄榄球改变孩子们的人生,将他们拉回正轨。尽管通过艰难的游说,肖恩终于说服高校赛季同意他带领少年犯参赛,但说服这些问题少年组成一只真正的队伍更加困难重重。肖恩用自己的强硬和对孩子们的信任打动了他们,组建了一只“野马队”。在他看来,帮孩子们找回失去的人生比赢得比赛更为重要。很快他们参赛了,一路风雨兼程,这只特殊队伍回取得怎样的成绩呢?
回复 :Remake of the 1982 slasher classic Slumber Party Massacre.