回复 :《血黄金》艾瑞克贝斯纳执导,薇吉妮爱菲亚、班杰明拉斐恩主演。居住在普罗旺斯乡村的露易丝,独立辛苦抚养两个小孩,此外她还必须想尽办法保住丈夫遗留的果园。某天,她开车路上意外撞到孤僻的天才皮耶,个性古怪的他慢慢融入露易丝的家,为她的生活与两个孩子带来新的契机。
回复 :阿保(雷宇扬 饰)、阿东(陈小春 饰)、螳螂(郑浩南 饰)、勇仔四人是社团内的刀手,专事清除社团的敌对人物。四人入行多年,在社团内地位颇高的同时也要面对无休止的杀伐跟其他社团的敌视。阿东行事稳重,投资各类事业,为几位兄弟的未来多有筹划;阿保做事极端,为螳螂出头得罪了尖沙咀大哥蛇皮,阿保发现女友艾薇(蒙嘉慧 饰)与阿东的暧昧视频,兄弟感情出现了嫌隙。阿东等人谋划除掉蛇皮,却被老大公子(曾江 饰)向警方出卖,侥幸逃脱的阿东、阿保放弃偷渡,返港为死去的手足报仇。
回复 :A massive earthquake strikes the United States, which destroys the West Coast and unleashes a massive flood that threatens to destroy the East Coast as well.If you're wondering about this film and why it's dubbed in Italian, then read the following comment from IMDbI have always wondered about the disappearance of Deluge. Why for so many years, seemingly since it's release in 1933, this film vanished from the face of the earth. After seeing it, courtesy of the efforts of Mr. Wade Williams Co., I'm still puzzled, but I have a theory. In 1933, the code was enacted that pretty much took care of sex and violence in Hollywood. While not an explicit film by any means, Deluge does deal fairly frankly with sexuality, lust and rape. I wonder if RKO discovered they had a film that they could not re-release, much like the fabled lost Warner Bros. comedy Convention City. It's a shame for, while it is a dated film, I find it quite unique and surprising for it's era and a fairly successful attempt to create something different in an era when films were already becoming cookie cutter by-products of the studio machine (not that many of those cookies aren't tasty, mind you). And even though the only available copy at this writing is dubbed into Italian, I don't find that a hinderance. An excellent job was done in subtitling the film, and much of the film is visual anyway.