春暖Comedy drama series from the creators of Peep Show about the hilarious, and often painful, truths of being a student.
春暖Comedy drama series from the creators of Peep Show about the hilarious, and often painful, truths of being a student.
回复 :
回复 :一场医疗事故让神经外科医生张贤宇(安在旭 饰)和同为医生的恋人崔夏景(秋尚美 饰)分道扬镳,不仅如此,心怀怨恨的夏景还在医院中处处与张贤宇作对,这令张贤宇内心十分的痛苦。一次偶然中,张贤宇向新来的实习医生韩秀莲(金喜善 饰)伸出了援手,这让秀莲对张贤宇心生好感。虽然张贤宇明白秀莲真挚的感情,但他依旧无法忘却夏景。医疗事故的真相终于浮出了水面,原来夏景一直责怪的张贤宇并非罪魁祸首,但此时张贤宇和夏景之间的感情已然破裂无法再回到过去了。表面开朗活泼的秀莲其实拥有一段十分灰暗的过去,当这段过去曝光之时,正是张贤宇温柔的守护在秀莲的身边,就当两人越走越近之时,夏景的突然回心转意会将这段感情引向怎样的境地呢?
回复 :根据《亡者之谜》作者Sammon另一本小说"อิ่มเอื้อIsReal”改编《厨艺大师》亚军的华大厨依然无法一步登天成为第一大厨。他每天都感觉好像少了什么东西,因此无法改进他的烹饪。然而,有一天他点了外卖,他万万没想到,自己缺的东西会在一个正常的送货员身上被发现,这个送货员隐藏着常人所不具备的非凡技能的能力。Chef Ua, the second runner-up of The Chef Master, is still not able to step up to be the number one chef. He spends every day feeling as though there is something missing and as a result, is unable to improve his cooking. However, one day when he ordered a delivery, he never imagined that what he was missing would be discovered in a normal delivery boy who hides the ability of extraordinary skills that normal people wouldn’t have.