回复 : 娛樂百分百大對抗来啰~
回复 :Beneath the ocean waves, there are weird and freaky creatures locked in a struggle to outwit, outswim and outlast each other. In this bizarre world, animals contort themselves into wacky shapes, evolve unbelievable adaptations and perform incredible feats of endurance. Take a deep dive to see a kaleidoscope of odd animal features and behaviours.
回复 :父亲去世后,继承了老家的“驹田蒸馏所”的年轻女性社长·驹田琉生,在重建经营困难的蒸馏所的同时,与四分五裂的家人,以重现因受灾害的影响而无法酿造的被称为“家族之绊”的梦幻的威士忌为目标。