回复 :A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.• Season 9Episode # Air Date# Guests9-01 10/Sep/01 Ben Volpeliere-Pierrot, Steve Strange, Matthew Meschery, Katy Hill9-02 17/Sep/01 MC Harvey, Paul Ross, Fay Tozer, Ian Astbury9-03 24/Sep/01 Ben Adams, Chris McCormack, Dara O'Briain, Claire Sweeney9-04 01/Oct/01 Toyah Wilcox, Steve Lamacq, Captain Sensible, Kermit9-05 08/Oct/01 Edith Bowman, Mark Steel, Kevin Simm, Terry Hall9-06 29/Oct/01 Jo Breezer, Alesha Dixon, Rich Hall, Richard McNamara9-07 15/Oct/01 Roger Sanchez, Brian Molko, Tony Mortimer, Jon Culshaw9-08 05/Nov/01 Phil Alexander, Kiki Dee, Richard Fairbrass, Mike Wilmot9-09 22/Oct/01 Jenni Falconer, Becky Hunter, Ricky Tomlinson, David Van Day9-10 12/Nov/01 (9th series compilation)9-11 30/Dec/01 Christmas Special
回复 :国内最大休闲产业东海公司张会长的庶子张泰丰(李莞饰)单纯率真,在家里却时常要看继母和同父异母的哥哥张泰贤(朴忠裁饰)的脸色行事,很早就被父亲盖上“无能”的印章。而泰贤则是众人心中的超级精英,不论是做事还是做人都想做到最好,不能容忍输给任何人,尤其是泰丰。但是在他完美的人生里却意外的闯进了一个女孩尹筱萝(李清娥饰)。同样单纯率真的筱萝为了实现自己海豚训练师的梦想,终于拿到了美国海豚训练学校的入学通知。于是不顾父亲的反对偷偷逃跑,却在机场因为泰丰而弄丢了书包,这对欢喜冤家不期而遇。美貌与智慧兼具的东海饭店企划室长闵珠熙(姜静华饰)深信泰贤便是自己的另一半,直到后来她才发现泰贤并非自己的真爱。
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