街射Plot Outline Navy SEALS, headed by Lt. Bobby James, are dispatched to North Korea on a covert mission, all in an effort to take out a missile site...
街射Plot Outline Navy SEALS, headed by Lt. Bobby James, are dispatched to North Korea on a covert mission, all in an effort to take out a missile site...
回复 :Antarctica lives in our dreams as the most remote, the most forbidding continent on Planet Earth. It is a huge land covered with ice as thick as three miles, seemingly invulnerable, cold and dark for eight months of the year. Yet Antarctica is also a fragile place, home to an incredible variety of life along its edges, arguably the most stunning, breathtaking and still-pristine place on earth. The one constant is that it is constantly changing, every season, every day, every hour. I've been fortunate to travel to Antarctica many times; most recently with 3D cameras, a first for the continent. The result is our new film, Antarctica: On the Edge.
回复 :巴西世界盃總決賽當日,下午五點,中國少年民工縮衣節食,滿心期待下班後與應召姐姐共度良宵,殊不知她早已買好了離城的車票。晚間九點,新加坡男教師與輕熟女想來場隱密的山頂幽會卻被不解風情的計程車司機不斷打擾。午夜一點,在日俄交界的偏遠小鎮,神祕放映師面對流氓漁民的暴力討債,必須搶救打火機下的心愛膠卷。清晨三點,精心拍攝的科幻恐怖片眼看就要殺青,因為懷疑身為自己妻子的女主角與男主角有染,泰國導演竟開始分不清虛構與現實。來自四個不同國家,關注題材和敘事手法也各異其趣的四位導演,以黑色電影風格演繹各自獨到的亞洲印象。一個夜晚,四則故事,在社會環境與文化地景的同與異中,拼湊東亞獨立電影的當代圖景。
回复 :一个哥哥生活在犯罪的生活之中,展现给他弟弟的生活方式也是一团糟。多年后他的弟弟步了他的后尘开始走吸毒,犯罪的道路。因为一次交易发生错误,他的弟弟被谋杀了。他的哥哥又重新走回了犯罪的道路,对他弟弟的死展开了疯狂的复仇…