回复 :周大伟与其小老婆叶艳凤(柳影虹)收养了一名女婴,取名小红。自此周家家道中落,红在艰苦岁月下成长。长大后,红(陈松伶)得机会加入明月社剧团,遂开始了她的唱歌生涯,改艺名为周璇,后得参加歌唱比赛而崭露头角。璇虽然被团员缘萍(何嘉丽)敌视,但得严子华(黎明)及张雪文(马海伦)的支持和爱护。华与璇亦渐生情愫,几经波折终于结为夫妇。璇的契爷楼建中(戴志伟)发展电影事业,邀璇为演员,但心中只当璇为摇钱树,华护妻情切,与中屡起冲突,中遂设奸计破坏他们夫妻感情,终令华、璇仳离,璇大受打击,却又遇上布匹行的少东罗浩德(关礼杰),德对璇关怀备至,竟令璇再陷情网……
回复 :CBS宣布续订动作冒险剧《#血宝藏# Blood & Treasure》第二季。
回复 :Sarah Lancashire returns in the acclaimed BBC thriller written by Sally Wainwright. No-nonsense police sergeant Catherine Cawood is back heading up her team of dedicated police officers in the Calder Valley in West Yorkshire. While on duty, she makes a gruesome discovery – a body. The victim’s injuries bear a striking similarity to a string of other murders over the previous few months, suggesting a serial killer is on the loose. But the case becomes even more shocking when it emerges that Catherine knows the victim – something that could have serious repercussions for both herself and her family.