回复 :古古·姆巴塔-劳将主演Apple TV+心理惊悚题材新剧《浮出水面》(Surface,暂译)。维罗妮卡·韦斯特(《失恋排行榜》)担任创剧人及编剧。详细剧情暂未知。该剧共8集,将于明年开拍。
回复 :原来顺风顺水的银行职员樫村(仲村亨 饰)因为银行合并,命运发生转变,他辞去银行的工作,毅然接受投资公司老板山本(大谷亮平 饰)的委托,担任一家饮食集团的CFO,着手重建工作。
回复 :Andrew Graham Dixon presents the 3 x 60 Art of France for BBC Four, taking viewers on a stunning visual journey through French Art history; from French gothic and Enlightenment via Versailles, to French Revolution and national collapse in 1870 and 1871, and finally, in episode three, to the rise of impressionism and existentialism.