单亲妈妈夏天(杨幂 饰)作为物理研究所的高级研究员,春暖与所长共同研究出可使生物体穿越虫洞进行时间旅行的技术,春暖当研究有了突破性进展时,儿子豆豆(张艺瀚 饰)却被神秘绑匪崔琥(霍建华 饰)绑架,为了挽救豆豆的生命,夏天冒险用未完成的粒子技术 返回1小时50分钟前,却令事情变得更加复杂,更遭遇到意想不到的困局:要去面对三个自己在时空旅行中的变异互博。而崔琥的背后故事也渐渐浮出水面……
单亲妈妈夏天(杨幂 饰)作为物理研究所的高级研究员,春暖与所长共同研究出可使生物体穿越虫洞进行时间旅行的技术,春暖当研究有了突破性进展时,儿子豆豆(张艺瀚 饰)却被神秘绑匪崔琥(霍建华 饰)绑架,为了挽救豆豆的生命,夏天冒险用未完成的粒子技术 返回1小时50分钟前,却令事情变得更加复杂,更遭遇到意想不到的困局:要去面对三个自己在时空旅行中的变异互博。而崔琥的背后故事也渐渐浮出水面……
回复 :在经济高速发展的今天,人们执著于优渥的物质生活,而开始遗忘曾经的创痛。广岛和长崎,两个曾遭受原子弹毁灭的城市,而今活跃在这里的年轻人们已经遗忘了半个多世纪前的战争和笼罩在祖辈头顶上空的蘑菇云。但对某一类人来说,这确是一段永生难忘的恐怖记忆。本片采访了经历过原爆的生还者,他们回忆了战争时期的生活、原爆的恐怖瞬间、爆炸后的残酷场面以及之后身心所遭受的无尽痛苦。与此相对,剧组还参访了当天执行轰炸任务的美国老兵,听他们谈论了投放原子弹时交杂矛盾的感受……
回复 :A charming and very daring thief known as Arsene Lupin is terrorizing the wealthy of Paris, he even goes so far as to threaten the Mona Lisa. But the police, led by the great Guerchard, think they know Arsene Lupin's identity, and they have a secret weapon to catch him.
回复 :81-year-old master, Jean-Marie Straub, once again invents and surprises with his latest film. Kommunisten consists of six parts, five of which have been taken from his earlier works. Straub does not aim to be self-reverential, but instead wants to make different blocks (of text, time, and languages) clash so as to highlight invisible elements of feelings and politics. It is a film about human adventure, from the past century to the one ahead. In this project, all the things that the films of Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet have been based on for the past fifty years, find their most raw and recent form.