一群办公室职员决定在办公大楼里举行一个派对。除此之外,线观他们还希望在那里能有一些毒品。他们关于这个问题的讨论被“乔·威克斯 (Joe vickers)”听到了,线观这对他们来说是很不幸的,因为乔·威克斯是一名警察。但更不幸的是,威克斯还是一个崇拜撒旦的精神病连环杀手!他不但不逮捕他们, 他还要确保没有人能活着离开派对……
一群办公室职员决定在办公大楼里举行一个派对。除此之外,线观他们还希望在那里能有一些毒品。他们关于这个问题的讨论被“乔·威克斯 (Joe vickers)”听到了,线观这对他们来说是很不幸的,因为乔·威克斯是一名警察。但更不幸的是,威克斯还是一个崇拜撒旦的精神病连环杀手!他不但不逮捕他们, 他还要确保没有人能活着离开派对……
回复 :幼稚园教师汪小云在一个晚上出外看戏消遗,看完戏后碰上打劫银行携着四千万赃款逃走的重伤劫匪阿B,她被挟持到夜店,在一间夜店中她和售货员玲玲等和阿B发生纠缠,阿B后来伤重死去。 小云,玲玲和师姐,在玲玲表姊小倩的指挥下,企图毁尸灭迹,平分赃款。岂料劫匪同当党追踪而至,贼首大哥等对她们企图先奸后杀,幸得警察把他们及时救出。 在围捕中,几经艰险才把全部匪徒逮住,四千万赃款则在围捕中被炸药炸毁了。Upon entering a 24 hour convenience store, a criminal with a lonesome primary-school teacher as hostage is accidentally killed by her and the youthful attendant in their hilarious struggle to subdue him.The two soon discover a stash of money on the man's person and along with another customer - an attractive model - they decide to cover up any evidence of the man's visit in a pact to split the money between themselves.The group's seemingly full-proof plans are confounded by the vengeful acts of the money's rightful owner and a set of persistent, yet stupid and often comical policeman who hang around 'pursuing' the women.
回复 :简介:民国时期,有日本武士向中国武术界挑衅,打败了不少武术人士,气焰日益嚣涨,同时欺压贫民,经营不法行当,时有霍家拳掌门率子弟抗争;更有第三子元甲因身体虚弱,被父勒令弃武学文,在老夫子的帮助启发下,竟无师自通,自创迷踪拳法.最后父子二人联手击毙了众多日本武士......
回复 :The In-Laws is a hilarious action comedy starring 5-time Emmy Award winner Peter Falk (Columbo, The Brink’s Job, The Princess Bride) as CIA agent Vincent Ricardo and Golden Globe winner Alan Arkin (Catch-22, Grosse Pointe Blank) as dentist Sheldon Kornpett. Sheldon is a dentist from New Jersey, Vincent travels a lot on business. Sheldon’s got a successful practice and Vincent’s got a dubious past. In 48 hours Vincent’s son is marrying Sheldon’s daughter and what happens in between will bring them together for better or worse. Arthur Hiller (Love Story) directs the car chases, gunfights and witty one-liners, extracting perfect chemistry between the two leads as they adventure across South America together.