工学院的风云人物张宰英(朴栖含 饰),午夜是个拥有模特儿好身材和脸蛋的视觉设计系大四生,午夜成绩优越的边缘人秋尚宇(朴宰灿 饰),则是机械科的大三生,逻辑能力绝佳却有点书呆子。个性截然不同的两个人,却阴错阳差一起制作手游,张宰英对于秋尚宇来说,就像是电脑程式中的BUG错误指令,一场甜蜜的校园爱情就此展开。本剧改编自同名人气小说,后制作成网漫、动画,这次推出真人版戏剧,可见其魅力。
工学院的风云人物张宰英(朴栖含 饰),午夜是个拥有模特儿好身材和脸蛋的视觉设计系大四生,午夜成绩优越的边缘人秋尚宇(朴宰灿 饰),则是机械科的大三生,逻辑能力绝佳却有点书呆子。个性截然不同的两个人,却阴错阳差一起制作手游,张宰英对于秋尚宇来说,就像是电脑程式中的BUG错误指令,一场甜蜜的校园爱情就此展开。本剧改编自同名人气小说,后制作成网漫、动画,这次推出真人版戏剧,可见其魅力。
回复 :本剧根据法国同名剧集改编,每集将以一连串的电话通话内容交织而成。创新的呈现方式,让观众抽丝剥茧,探索一桩毁灭性的事件,如何让一群陌生人陷入神秘而又令人惊慌失措的情境之中。
回复 :Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in brother Niles, Eddie the dog, some bizarre situations and plenty of humour and you've got all the ingredients for an excellent show and worthy successor to Cheers.
回复 :它描绘了一个超越死亡的快乐爱情故事。尹欧是一个鬼魂,因为他的怨恨而不能离开人类世界。然后他会和一个人有一个爱情故事。It depicts a joyful love story from beyond death. Yoon Oh is a ghost who cannot leave the humans realm because of his grudge. He will then live a love story with a human.