黑田藩藩主齐隆侯将宠爱的妃子生的女儿滨千代公主假扮男孩,楼超秘密继承储君之位。菩提寺住持慈善和黑锹忍者得知此事,楼超写作秘函送往江户。拜一刀(若山富三郎 饰)受黑田藩所托,追赶主持抢夺秘函。途中拜一刀遭遇黑田藩忍者不知火(安田道代 饰),从其口中察觉事件背后的秘密。秘函抢夺成 功,柳生烈堂(大木实 饰)派出大量刺客截杀,但全部死在拜一刀手下。黑田藩重臣肋天将监斥责齐隆侯用女儿继任储君,意欲杀其谋反。受不知火所托的拜一刀由此卷入这场继嗣风波之中……
黑田藩藩主齐隆侯将宠爱的妃子生的女儿滨千代公主假扮男孩,楼超秘密继承储君之位。菩提寺住持慈善和黑锹忍者得知此事,楼超写作秘函送往江户。拜一刀(若山富三郎 饰)受黑田藩所托,追赶主持抢夺秘函。途中拜一刀遭遇黑田藩忍者不知火(安田道代 饰),从其口中察觉事件背后的秘密。秘函抢夺成 功,柳生烈堂(大木实 饰)派出大量刺客截杀,但全部死在拜一刀手下。黑田藩重臣肋天将监斥责齐隆侯用女儿继任储君,意欲杀其谋反。受不知火所托的拜一刀由此卷入这场继嗣风波之中……
回复 :This is commonly known as Jean Renoir's first American film (1941), although Renoir scholar Alexander Sesonske has established that Renoir's creative role in the project was severely hampered by producer Darryl F. Zanuck and that he didn't regard much of the film as his own. (The ending, for instance, was written by Zanuck and directed by Irving Pichel.) Nevertheless, the film has certain beauties and pleasures. Part of it was shot in Georgia's Okefenokee swamp, and the treatment of the small community living ~Censored~ is often pungent and distinctive.
回复 :故事发生在南宋年间,岳飞北上讨伐金兵,奸臣秦侩和金人勾结,假传圣旨,伪造了金牌想要送给岳飞,迫使岳飞带兵回朝。华山剑侠苗龙(岳华 饰)得知了秦侩的阴谋,于是带领一帮能人志士在半路拦截金牌,并且阻挡了聚贤堂派出刺杀岳飞的杀手。聚贤堂没了主人,秦侩便找到了华山一剑金彦堂( 井淼 饰)为新堂主,实则成为自己的傀儡。金彦堂是苗龙的师傅,同时,他的女儿金铄(秦萍 饰)亦深深的爱慕着仪表堂堂的苗龙。秦侩的送金牌之心不死,继续暗中安排,苗龙知道了金彦堂和秦侩的关系后,不得不背叛师门,斩断了和金铄之间的情愫,这让不知真相的金铄十分痛苦。
回复 :This is commonly known as Jean Renoir's first American film (1941), although Renoir scholar Alexander Sesonske has established that Renoir's creative role in the project was severely hampered by producer Darryl F. Zanuck and that he didn't regard much of the film as his own. (The ending, for instance, was written by Zanuck and directed by Irving Pichel.) Nevertheless, the film has certain beauties and pleasures. Part of it was shot in Georgia's Okefenokee swamp, and the treatment of the small community living ~Censored~ is often pungent and distinctive.