齐齐Documentary telling the inside story of Mohammed Emwazi's journey from an ordinary London boy to becoming terrorist 'Jihadi John' and the intelligence operatives' attempts to catch him.
齐齐Documentary telling the inside story of Mohammed Emwazi's journey from an ordinary London boy to becoming terrorist 'Jihadi John' and the intelligence operatives' attempts to catch him.
回复 :高雄前鎮漁港每年十二月到隔年一月,有近一百艘魷釣船從東經120度航向西經60度,前往西南大西洋漁場的福克蘭群島外海作業,捕釣台灣日常生活中常見的阿根廷魷魚,而這段大約耗時35至40天的枯悶航程,被船員們稱之為——「水路」。2015年1月1日,一艘船身長65米,寬11米的900噸魷釣船,從前鎮漁港啟航,將載著60名來自東南亞各國的船員,前往與台灣時差12小時的福克蘭群島外海作業,影片是關於這群海上勞動者的遠洋討海紀行。
回复 :The Palm Desert band Eagles of Death Metal was performing at the Bataclan theater in Paris in November 2015 when terrorists opened fire, killing 89 people. The best friends who formed the band lead us through the horror and its aftermath in this moving documentary about the power of friendship and rock and roll.
回复 :在美国拳击界有三座大山:伊万德•霍利菲尔德,伯纳德•霍普金斯,迈克•泰森。他们的拳击之路热血沸腾而又充满艰辛,然而他们拳击场背后的生活却挑战着所谓的美国梦。拳击是穷人的运动,当生活无路可走时,他们才被迫成为“当代角斗士”。三位拳击界泰斗讲述着自己的拳击故事,然而拳击之路不仅仅是血性与荣耀,更多的是自我的挖掘与救赎,还折射出了贫穷、犯罪、不公、药物滥用等社会问题。