回复 :Abandoned by his father at the age of five and raised in near isolation by a loving, yet emotionally unstable and over-protective mother, the only life Peel Munter has ever known is within the confines of his childhood home. Upon his mother's unexpected death, 30-year-old Peel is left lost and utterly alone. With no job, family, or friends, he must make a choice; live as his mother did, lonely and unsettled, or change the course of his impending fate by breaking out into the unknown, facing the trials and tribulations of an outside world he doesn't understand. Unable to make the house payments, Peel decides to take in a couple of drifters as roommates. After forging what seems to be a burgeoning new family and brotherhood, one of the roommates betrays Peel's trust, compelling Peel to venture out in search of his long-lost, real brothers who had been taken away from him decades ago. Along the way, Peel's lack of cynicism and innocence has an inadvertent, yet powerful effect on those he meets, as he brings a group of marginalized misfits closer to their true home.
回复 :拿威在一次潜水意外,在海中与人鱼少女相遇,同时也邂逅了水底摄影师大霈。擅长自由深潜的拿威担任她的海上向导,这片未开发的海底美景让来自都市的大霈如痴如醉;在大霈镜头中的海洋,更是从小生长在兰屿的拿威看到未曾体验过的宇宙观,他们用彼此的眼看见了全新的世界,也让拿威看见了自由深潜的未来与商机、给了他出走兰屿的契机。躲在礁石后的人鱼少女,是那次潜水意外中真正救了拿威的人,她奋力的褪去尾鳍、与拿威再次的相遇。她有着纯朴和洁净的心,也有着如海洋般的温暖和静谧,当拿威与人鱼少女悠游在海底深潜,他感受到无比的自在与平静,以及对故乡浓浓的依恋。“来我的怀里当一条鱼吧...”,他仿佛听见了海洋的呼唤、听见了少女的期待。究竟该投入大海的拥抱,还是追求更大的梦想?拿威陷入了美美与人鱼少女中的纠结,这是“离开”与“留下”的选择,也是“寻找”与“回归”的选择。这片让人依恋的海,是道路的终点,给予兰屿得以保有纯真与自然的屏障,还是奔向世界的起点?
回复 :“文化大革命”中,柳岗大队的养蜂 能手田嫂因丈夫被迫害致死,带着女 儿离开柳岗大队,到花溪生产队养蜂 。田嫂勤恳、能干,得到花溪生产队 队长耿长贵和被迫下放的老县长的赞 赏。他们同心协力,发展队里的生产 ,使农副业蒸蒸日上,耿长贵和田嫂 也萌生了爱情。但省委康书记一伙却 把花溪生产队作为资本主义复辟的典 型进行批判。老县长与田嫂被送往远 地山区劳动改造。康书记的爪牙吴纯 正等人极力破坏花溪生产队的大好局 面,他们没收自留地、砍伐果园、杀 绝家禽,使欢乐的花溪变得死气沉沉 。“四人帮”被粉碎后,吴纯正一伙 却摇身一变,成了反“四人帮”的“ 英雄”,暗地里把田嫂送进疯人院, 欲置她于死地。新的省委组成后,康 书记一伙彻底垮台,老县长复职,田 嫂也回到了花溪。