回复 :皇帝选美 逐个脱清光佳丽如云 靓到失魂唐朝中叶,玄宗皇帝选杨玉环进宫为妃,杨乃一介民女,内侍高力士献计,将杨封为女道士,带发修行,杨在太真观苦待年余,其身世俗均已消失,始奉召入宫册封为六官之首贵妃
回复 :故事讲述了一位街头戏班的刀马旦四季,在表演的过程中,无意救了一名神秘的青年男子,从此开启了一段奇妙曲折的缘分,也揭开了自己的身世之谜。
回复 :Sexually lustful pizza delivery woman, Seung-ha VS customer who wants to swap, Yoon-yoolThe Hye-jin couple, who advocate free sex, yuankan.cc point to the pizza delivery man Ji-yeong and Dal-soo as partners to enjoy with them, and execute an erotic operation. When Ji-yeong arrives, Hye-jin's husband shows off his erection, and when Dal-soo arrives, he seduces her with his chest and erotic poses. During the delivery, Ji-yeong witnesses Hye-jin and Jeong-woo, a Chinese restaurant delivery man, having a love affair at the entrance of an apartment.