回复 :In re-viewing our super eight films, shot between 1972 and 1981, it occurred to me that they comprised not only a family archive but a testimony to the pastimes, lifestyle and aspirations of a social class in the decade after 1968. I wanted to incorporate these silent images into a story which combined the intimate with the social and with history, to convey the taste and colour of those years.
回复 :"A Cambodian Spring" is an intimate and unique portrait of three people caught up in the chaotic and often violent development that is shaping modern-day Cambodia. Shot over six years, the film charts the growing wave of land-rights protests that led to the 'Cambodian spring' and the tragic events that followed. This film is about the complexities - both political and personal, of fighting for what you believe in.
回复 :电影《在勃艮第的一年》描绘了在2011年这个伟大的勃艮第酿酒年份,7个葡萄酒酿造商从葡萄萌芽到收获的整个酿酒历程。Leroy家族的Lalou Bize-Leroy——罗曼尼康帝的合伙人之一(另一位庄主为Aubert de Villaine),与其他6名庄主共同出演。包括Domaine Perrot-Minot庄的Christophe Perrot-Minot,Morey-Coffinet庄的Michel Morey和Fabienne Coffinet,Vosne-Romanée庄的Bruno Clavelier。英籍导演David Kennard是纪录片大师,几年前与著名演员制作了电影《Wine for the Confused(献给葡萄酒菜鸟)》,一部以幽默轻松的方式介绍葡萄酒入门知识的纪录片。David Kennard希望借助《在勃艮第的一年》“展示一个独具匠心的酿酒师的内心与灵魂”。影片邀请了美国勃艮第进口商Martine Saunier作为顾问,她可以轻易接触到Bize-Leroy等明星酿造师。Kennard说:“Lalou Bize-Leroy是一个完美主义者,她要求所有事都按照她的意愿完成。她在影片中给出了非常精彩的评论。”导演表示,他不会追随著名的反葡萄酒全球化纪录片《美酒家族(Mondovino)》的脚步。“和《美酒家族》正好相反,我在影片里没有强加我想传达的信息。《在勃艮第的一年》比较像2004年的葡萄酒浪漫喜剧片《杯酒人生》,只不过我是个纯粹的观察者。”《在勃艮第的一年》暂行剪辑版于7月份在美国俄勒冈州的国际黑比诺庆典上映,《洛杉矶周刊》称其拍摄的镜头“奢华美丽”。影片由某投资银行家赞助,他已经同意继续拍摄《在香槟的一年》。Kennard表示,他计划借助首部的成功,将其拍成系列影片。