日韩An anthology series of self contained plays with a murderous theme, the twist being that the action is followed from the point of view of the killer.
日韩An anthology series of self contained plays with a murderous theme, the twist being that the action is followed from the point of view of the killer.
回复 :小伙出生遭阎王点卯,揭秘诡异悬疑人生
回复 :
回复 :是KBS2周末特别剧。根据同名小说改编。此剧开始于男女主人公相遇的九十年代大学校园,讲述平凡的明济(李天熙)与蔷薇(崔允英)作为爱情与生活的初学者,各自与初恋错过,在此后的15年间经历了庸碌人生中恋爱、婚姻、分离的悲欢,于恍若一梦间又重逢的故事。