《夺宝幸运星2》又名《开心西游记》,亚洲是改编于KIZI 著名网络小说《嘻游记》的高清电视系列动画片,亚洲是本系列的第2部。故事用搞笑的手法重新演绎了唐僧师徒4人一路上经历艰难险阻,前去西天取经的故事。作为风趣幽默的另类动画片,《夺宝幸运星2》既忠于原著,却又与原著有不同的表现形式。
《夺宝幸运星2》又名《开心西游记》,亚洲是改编于KIZI 著名网络小说《嘻游记》的高清电视系列动画片,亚洲是本系列的第2部。故事用搞笑的手法重新演绎了唐僧师徒4人一路上经历艰难险阻,前去西天取经的故事。作为风趣幽默的另类动画片,《夺宝幸运星2》既忠于原著,却又与原著有不同的表现形式。
回复 :Pororo and friends are back! This time, they present exciting adventures and friendship in Hammer Town deep in the forest, featuring dragons, wizards, and the colorful Dragon Castle. Arthur, the Great Dragon King, cursed for forgetting the importance of friendship, loses the Dragon Heart, and turns into the Little Dragon. Pororo and his friends meet Arthur and are sent to the Dragon Castle by Ged the Wizard, who wants to steal the Dragon Heart and become the new Dragon King. Being with Pororo and his friends, who fight Ged to save friends in danger, Arthur realizes the importance of friends and the need for sincerity and sacrifice to protect them. This film is familiar yet fresh and fun, with brilliant performances from Pororo and his friends as well as some new characters, such as the Little Dragon, the Dragon Army, and the Robot Dragon.
回复 :《我气哭了百万修炼者》主要讲述了大学生江北在地铁站见义勇为,被系统眷顾,幸运地成为了系统宿主,穿越至异世界。在这个遍布修炼者的异世中,江北从一个小城的废材纨绔,转变成众人眼里的天才少年。凭借系统,江北从此走上了靠耍宝、作死、气人才能升级变强的道路。经历了退婚、斗诗一系列风波后,江北逐渐对这里的亲人产生了感情,江北和天才哥哥江南、武王之女候烟岚,携手与神秘势力和层出不穷的恶灵做斗争,随着故事发展,江北神秘身世逐渐揭露,上一代的恩怨情仇延续到江北身上。 十七年前,江万贯被仇家追杀,无奈之下他带着还在襁褓中的江北。
回复 :蕾是个非常喜欢花草植物的中学二年级生,绘里香是个喜欢服装设计的中学二年级生,某日她们梦见了在一个充满美丽花草的地方,还有妖精四处飞舞····· 而就在几天后转学到明堂学园的蕾,真的遇上了在梦里见到的妖精,妖精也向蕾表示,希望她能够为守护“心之大树”、并让大家的“心之花”绽放而战······一次偶然的机会,绘里香也加入了进来,和蕾成为了光之美少女……