回复 :由一个邪恶的警长暗中控制的西部荒凉小镇,在黄沙万里的原野上,成了一切罪恶的渊源,镇民们处于淫威之下,敢怒不敢言,一直到有一天,四大汉出现了,四个被逼上梁山的西部好汉,如何在恶势力的笼罩下,重新建立正义和公理。
回复 :When Sarah, a girl with magic powers, and her normal twin sister Lindsey are invited to join both Alpha Nu Gamma and Pi Epsilon Delta, they discover that the two sororities aren't just rivals, they're bitter enemies. Suddenly, Sarah and Lindsey are initiated into an ancient battle between good and evil that threatens to drive the sisters apart and force one of them to make the ultimate sacrifice. Can Sarah learn to master her magic in time to defeat the resident evil on campus? Who can she trust and who will commit an unforgivable act of betrayal? The magic starts flying and anything can happen. When these supernatural forces collide, they'll give new meaning to hell week. Written by Alex
回复 :和贺英良(加藤刚 饰)是业内闻名的钢琴家,年纪轻轻就取得了崇高的成就,事业前途一片大好。某日,英良遇见了名为三木谦一(绪形拳 饰)的老人,让英良感到震惊的是,这位老人竟然知道自己隐藏了多年的秘密和一直想要舍弃和埋葬的过去。 惊慌而又愤怒的英良选择杀死了三木,之后,三木的尸体被发现了,警部今西荣太郎(丹波哲郎 饰)和吉村弘(森田健作 饰)是负责调查此案的警官。敏感而又聪慧的今西通过缜密的调查和取证,渐渐将目标锁定在了英良的身上,挖掘出了这位天才音乐人不为人知的黑暗一面,最终,今西和吉村逮捕了英良,为这悲剧性的案件画上了终点。