  时间:2025-03-09 10:06:28

斑马The main character is Dr. Max Holst, a successful neurosurgeon. One day an intense little man named Steinmetz shows up, who has the real ability to create objects out of thin air, using only his mind. As no one believes him at first, he is held at a ward for mental patients, but manifests the key to his door and escapes. As he has a special interest in Dr. Holst, Steinmetz subsequently invites Holst to his large mansion, which is full of expensive paintings and sculptures, and proves to him that he can in fact materialise objects. Steinmetz’s abilities are evolving by leaps and bounds, and is progressing from being able to create objects only to being able to create living things. His ultimate ambition is to be able to create a human being. He tells Dr. Holst that if he will only perform a certain brain operation on him, Steinmetz will become able to attain his goal. He’s got all the necessary equipment set up in his basement. Dr. Holst, however, is too spooked by the whole thing to agree to this mad scheme, and refuses. Steinmetz then sets about manipulating Holst’s life, to pressure him into performing the operation. By then Steinmetz has become able to create a temporary human being, and in the hope that he can perhaps make his own creation perform the operation, he manifests a doppelganger of Dr. Holst. This double proceeds to take over Dr. Holst’s life, creating chaos for him professionally and personally. And then Dr. Holst starts fighting back. The ending has the dual virtue of being both unexpected and satisfying.




回复 :历险新片《地心历险记2:神秘岛》,源于17岁的肖恩?安德森(乔什?哈切森饰演)收到的一组发自无人知晓的神秘岛密码求救信号。因为无法劝阻肖恩追踪信号来源,肖恩的继父汉克(道恩?强森饰演)只能陪着他一起踏上这段南太平洋之行。而他们最终的目的地,是一座没几个活人亲眼见过的岛屿。那里风光旎丽,鸟语花香;珍禽异兽,应有尽有;金山火山,叹为观止;是座无奇不有的神秘天堂。他们俩只找到一个,愿意跟他们铤而走险的直升机驾驶员,嘎巴托(路易斯?古兹曼饰演),和他美丽,坚强的女儿凯兰尼(凡妮莎?哈金斯饰演),四人一起踏上了这段寻岛之旅。一路上他们不仅仅拯救了岛上唯一的人类居民,更在地震冲击波淹没岛屿,埋葬其无限宝藏之前,逃出生天。这一切的一切,都发生在《地心历险记2:神秘岛》上,这是继2008年全球大获成功的《历险之旅1:地心游记》后,另一段惊心动魄的历险故事。



回复 :清朝末年,英国大侦探福尔摩斯和他的朋友华生到中国观光,不料在夜间投宿仙来客店时,发现客店被重兵把守。华生还未弄明白是怎么回事,消息传来,英国政府派来押运庚子赔款中一批珠宝的布克将军遇刺身亡,珠宝不翼而飞。钦差大臣发现了留宿此间的福尔摩斯,众人竭力请福尔摩斯侦破此案。福尔摩斯还未理出案情的头绪,布克的人头又不见。在塘沽镇,福尔摩斯发现现场的一根白马尾与马贩子金马掌所持拂尘的马尾相同。他与清军统领涂武谈论案情,知道金马掌武功极高。这时,仙来客店店主白芙蓉出现。



回复 :The boisterous, arrogant professor Challenger, a reputed biologist and anthropologist, dares the London Zoological Society to mount an expedition to verify his spectacular claim, without physical proof, that his previous expedition to the Amazonian basin found live dinosaurs. Apart from him and his 'socialite' counterpart, professor Summerlee, it consists of experienced discoverer Lord Roxbury, the young reporter Ed Malone -who got publicly struck down with Challenger's umbrella at his arrival- and Jennifer Holmes, Malone's news agency's boss's daughter, essentially as conditions for putting up the money. In Brazil they are joined by Jennifer's brother David and local 'guide' Manuel Gomez. They soon discover the dinosaurs are real and dangerous, like giant spiders, but loose their helicopter and thus are desperate for a way down from the isolated plateau. They learn Roxbury knew about the fate of Burton White, an explorer whose diary they find, thus presume to be dead, in search of diamonds, and confirmation of the local tribe being the lethal guardians of the plateau's secrets, but also get surprising help...



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