回复 :A chilling mystery thriller, blessed by stirring imagination and striking acting performances, especially by child actors. Among witty scares invented by the director herself, we get closer to untreatable true sins of the Catholic religion. Skilfully raised fantasies about exorcism, possession and resurrection slowly transform into breath-taking horror, which may not leave your thoughts for a long time after the screening.A devotedly faithful family mourns their elder son Han-byul. Both parents sincerely believe that it is the hand of good lord Jesus that tests them with painful suffering. The reverend advises adopting a child with special needs and sharing all the love they still have in their wounded hearts after the tragic accident. So the grieving parents embrace visually impaired charismatic Isaac, who quickly finds his place in their spacious two-storey house. The acutely sensitive boy counts that the kind family still consists of seven members, and witnesses how the crying Han-byul constantly visits them. Confused by incredible revelations, the mother starts to notice previously unseen guiding signs.Guilt confronts sanity. Grief transmits into fear. Doubts bring home obsession. New clues expose hurtful lies. Divine faith opens all gates to powerful devilish manipulations. The prolonged process of healing disperses into drowned secrets. How long can you believe something whispered by someone who is not entirely trustworthy? How far will a loving mother go to protect her adopted child who suddenly uncovers not-so-pleasant truths?源自:https://poff.ee/en/film/the-other-child/
回复 :艾迪(布鲁斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis 饰)刚刚结束了他长达10年的监狱生活,可是,刚刚出狱,梅弗劳尔夫妇就找到了他,希望他能够帮助他们偷窃一种特殊的水晶,这种水晶用于500年前达芬奇(Stefano Molinari 饰)发明的点石成金机,是如今人人趋之若鹜的珍宝。想要洗心革面的艾迪并不像再做违法的勾当,无奈梅弗劳尔夫妇绑架了他的好友汤米(丹尼·爱罗 Danny Aiello 饰)用以威胁,艾迪只得就范。在寻找水晶的途中,中央情报局和梵蒂冈教廷都成为了他强劲的对手。通过调查,艾迪发现这种水晶的碎片藏匿于各大博物馆达芬奇的各种艺术品中,身为曾经的“哈德逊之鹰”,艾迪大显身手的时刻来临了。
回复 :春花是康家没过门的儿媳妇,前几年到南方去打工挣钱,现在回来结婚。 恰逢今年小康村西瓜大丰收,但西瓜太多了一下子卖不出去,眼看瓜农们要受到巨大损失。 春花通过电脑网络为村里的西瓜找到了销路,顺利将西瓜卖了出去,带领村民们走上了致富的道路。 这期间,由于每个人的身份不同,思想观念不同,康家内部产生了一系列的矛盾和冲突。然而,春花带来的科学技术和先进的思想,以及她处处为村里着想的公心,最终赢得了家里人的理解和信任,成为康家新的当家人。