回复 :Prehistoric sand-dwelling sharks are unleashed on the island of White Sands when an underwater earthquake cracks open a crater deep beneath the ocean surface. The most menacing beats to ever rule the waters now rule the sand; with their monster appetities they mercillessly feast on anything that crosses their path Mark Atkins directs this sci-fi 'creature feature' horror. When an underwater earthquake opens up a deep crater on the ocean floor, a prehistoric breed of lethal sand-dwelling sharks is unleashed upon the unsuspecting residents of White Sands Island.
回复 :Carlinhos catches his partner cheating, then meets lively Graça, who poses as his new one so he can save face at Christmas with his traditional family.
回复 :因一场意外,俐俐(冯波 饰)身受重伤,手术过后更成了没有意识的植物人。虽然经过很长一段时间奇迹般苏醒,但是却全然忘记自己的身份和来历。偶然机缘,她邂逅了报社记者刘聪(李乃文 饰),两人相知相恋,俐俐也进入了药品生产巨头方臣药业供职,一切似乎重新开始。为了追查一起医疗事故,刘聪不断跟进,进而得知那个可爱的女孩小芸很有可能因为使用了方臣生产的麻醉剂而成为了植物人。他的深入调查引起轩然大波,也令方臣坐立不安,急于除之而后快。另一方面,为了协助调查而不断从公司获取资料的俐俐也引起高层的主意,安全和事业危在旦夕。在这一过程中,她也渐渐找到自己失落已久的身份……