回复 :重案组警察在追踪一起贩毒案时遭遇奇怪事件,运毒女子表情呆板、蛮力过人,七八个警察也不能阻止她的前进,最终一辆失控的卡车将该女子撞倒。经调查,警方发现该女子是东平洲三婆的女儿,因此要求三婆前来录口供。为了照顾三婆年迈的身体,在东平洲当警察的丰叔(林正英 饰)前来配合警方调查。丰叔是一名法术高强的警察,他在看过尸体后发现其中有所古怪,进而怀疑有人利用行尸运毒。丰叔的老搭档(午马 饰)情知案件严重,因此拜托丰叔调查。与丰叔配合的是两个不着调的小警察(林俊贤、苗侨伟 饰),他们看中丰叔的侄女(王美华 饰),因此与古板的丰叔闹出不少笑话。随着调查的深入,隐藏在幕后的邪教贩毒组织渐渐浮出水面……
回复 :Akil (KIL), a quiet and depressed young man sees suicide as an solution though he never succeeds in pulling it off. A chance encounter brings him face to face with the "Life Action Bureau" or LAB, an organization that will help him end his life. But after being bound to LAB's terms and conditions, he meets pretty and vivacious Zara with whom he eventually falls in love with and gives him a reason to live. The new Akil who embraces life must now race against time to undo what he has set in motion before he gets killed.
回复 :一部滑稽的动作剧,其中一个蒙面的文化资产窃贼 "臭鼬 "和一个非官方的文化资产追回小组 "卡尔玛 "联合起来对付那些法律所不能制裁的人 @优质资源库