回复 :“Four respected presenters and a camera crew attempt to discover the truth behind 'The most haunted house in Britain', expecting a light-hearted scare or two and probably the uncovering of a hoax. They think they are in control of the situation. They think they are safe. The viewers settle down and decide to watch 'for a laugh'. ”
回复 :【内容简介】墨西哥警匪喜剧片。洛洛是一个小有天才的电脑黑客,他和两名业余罪犯及一名俄国黑社会人物组成一个团伙,马上就可大赚一笔。只要他交出一些电脑密码,他可以获得一批钻石。但他正在戒烟,由于欠缺尼古丁,精神不集中,他犯了一个小小的错误。
回复 :为了从最近的分手中恢复过来,哈里森联系了神秘的女仆机器人机构,并遇到了 Mako,一个能满足他所有愿望的美丽机器人。然而,Mako却开始从她过去的记忆中学习人类的情感,导致她逐渐展示出了危险的行为。