回复 :The Potter family has just moved to a rented apartment in San Francisco. Harry Potter Sr. and his wife Anne are bringing the packages to the apartment and their son Harry Jr. and their little daughter Wendy Anne stays on the sidewalk. Wendy goes to the laundry room, she meets the wicked troll Torok that uses his magic ring to possess Wendy and to use her form to transform the dwellers and their apartment into other trolls and his kingdom. Harry Jr. feels that something is wrong with his sister and seeks out help with the good witch Eunice St. Clair that lives in the building.
回复 :奎诺(Quino)是一位墨西哥潜水员,在海底发现了一颗珍珠。他和他的妻子胡安娜(Juana)及其儿子刚刚拥有了一颗价值数千的珍珠。每天人们都在尝试赚钱,甚至珍珠交易商也试图将其剥夺。奎诺(Quino)有一天受到攻击时,他是为了自卫而杀死攻击者。他的兄弟建议他们唯一的希望是离开村庄。但是,在给儿子提供从未有过的教育的过程中,有人可能会采取任何措施来阻止这种情况。Quino is a Mexican diver who discovers a pearl at the bottom of the sea. He and his wife Juana, and their son have just taken possession of a pearl that is worth thousands. Everyday people try to get in on the cash, even Pearl Dealers try to rip them off. When Quino is attacked one day, he kills his attackers in self defence. His brother suggests their only hope is to leave the village. But on their journey to give their son an education they never had, someone may just do anything to prevent it.
回复 :达子(长泽雅美)是一个ConfidenceMan,即信用欺诈师。她可以凭借自己的天才头脑和出类拔萃集中力在短时间内掌握各种艰涩难懂的专业知识。她长期居住在高档酒店的豪华套房,虽然天赋异禀却有着纯真马虎的一面。达子的搭档是小朋友(东出昌大),一个总是被她耍的团团转的性格谨慎的老好人,他总盼望着早日金盆洗手,光明磊落地生活。另一位搭档是拥有超一流变装技术,把自己与生俱来的好气质运用于骗术的理查德(小日向文世)。他们以纵横于各个行业,以花花世界作为他们的舞台,用各种异想天开的计划从利欲熏心的人们手中骗取钱财,是一部大快人心的喜剧。