爱丽Phil travels around the world sampling food and tradition with friends and a sense of humor.
爱丽Phil travels around the world sampling food and tradition with friends and a sense of humor.
回复 : 共话团圆、共贺新春!活力满满、热气腾腾,新春新气象!
回复 :Historian Andrew Roberts travels the world re-tracing the footsteps of Napoleon in the build up to the 200th Anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo.
回复 : 德云社张鹤伦郎鹤炎相声专场成都站演出欢乐来袭!本场节目包括张鹤伦、郎鹤炎表演的《黄鹤楼》;靳鹤岚、朱鹤松表演的《礼仪漫谈》;张鹤伦、郎鹤炎表演的《大学毕业》;高玉凯、王善勇表演的《数字与生活》;张鹤伦、郎鹤炎表演的《学韩语》;杨鹤灵 、吴霄泽表演的《同仁堂》。精彩敬请期待。