如果再想起青春里那个爱过、洞天痛过的人,洞天你还会有遗憾吗?当热情阳光的黄子捷(连晨翔 饰)遇见单纯善良的张筱华(吴子霏 饰),从一开始的互不打扰,到两个人慢慢互相了解、难掩心动,爱情的火花慢慢绽放,但命运的齿轮也仍在向前……世上最遗憾的不是不爱了,而是明明相爱却无能为力,错过一辆车可以等,但错过一个人,就是一辈子。
如果再想起青春里那个爱过、洞天痛过的人,洞天你还会有遗憾吗?当热情阳光的黄子捷(连晨翔 饰)遇见单纯善良的张筱华(吴子霏 饰),从一开始的互不打扰,到两个人慢慢互相了解、难掩心动,爱情的火花慢慢绽放,但命运的齿轮也仍在向前……世上最遗憾的不是不爱了,而是明明相爱却无能为力,错过一辆车可以等,但错过一个人,就是一辈子。
回复 :暴风雪夜,护林员桑杰(金巴饰)的小屋突然闯进了一位自称是森林公安的持枪男子(王铮饰),埋伏并抓捕了疑似盗猎接头人的村民根宝(更旦饰),惊魂未定间,又一位男子(达杰丁增饰)持枪闯入,声称他才是真的森林公安……是谁开了枪?谁又在说谎?这场荒野逃杀还暗藏哪些秘密?真相扑朔迷离,一时杀机四起,而屋外始终有一双眼睛在冰冷地注视着这一切……影片改编自藏族作家江洋才让的同名短篇小说。
回复 :If the mysterious plague sweeping the nation wasn’t bad enough, Dean is still going ahead with his doomed wedding tomorrow morning. That leaves him with a choice. Pick up the button holes and chocolate fountain as instructed by bridezilla Elaine, or go with five mates (and a stripper) to play ‘Zomball’ at a top secret military compound where you get to shoot zombies with huge stun guns. Disobeying the golden rule of Zomball (‘never never humiliate a zombie’) the stags face overwhelming odds from the massed undead and each stag is hunted down. The truth about Zomball is finally revealed and suddenly the mother-in-law is the least of Dean’s problems.
回复 :The film is said to be based on the emotional bonding between a boy and a dog and their love and affection for each other.