回复 :Society sleuths Nick and Nora Charles investigate a murder aboard a floating casino.Nick and Nora Charles are attending a charity benefit aboard a gambling ship.After a murder occurs, suspicion falls on Phil Brant, who had argued with the victim earlier in the evening.When Phil and his wife seek help from Nick and Nora, Nick refuses to get involved.But when shots are fired outside his own apartment, Nick begins to investigate, and he soon finds himself in a confusing case with numerous suspects.Nick and Nora Charles were the ultimate screen couple, husband and wife detectives, always in step and never missing an opportunity to outwit one another as they solved each crime, which they did just in time for the movie's ending.Myrna Loy was a fantastic Nora, the ideal wife and considering she made 14 movies with William Powell, she made it look like they were really married.The Thin Man movies, all six of them, played more like sophisticated screwball comedies than murder mysteries, and their comic banter enhanced the proceedings.Their little wire-haired terrier, Asta, quite often stole the scene as he helped sleuth out the guilty party.He was a great little actor and rumor had it that away from the Thin Man movies, Asta was really Skippy.However, the six Thin Man movies credit this cute pooch as "Asta."
回复 :绰号崔尼提的枪手Joe和他的兄弟Bud是西部最快的快枪手,并称魔鬼的左右手,Bud是名偷牛贼,一次在越狱途中他意外射伤了一名赴任中的警长,并假借他的身份隐藏在一座小镇上,伺机偷盗当地一名上校的马群,但当他的弟弟Joe为救助一名墨西哥人而投奔 他之后,计 划开始走偏,Joe为了帮助想在当地峡谷里定居的摩门教徒,激化了Bud和上校的关系,迫使上校和墨西哥匪帮结盟。最后兄弟二人巧妙利用了上校和匪帮的交易偷走了上校的马群,但Joe却把马群留给了教徒们,气急败坏的Bud决定和Joe分道扬镳,但他注定拜托不了这个爱捣蛋地弟弟。
回复 :小星是一名大三学生,一次在玩游戏的时候,窗外雷电交加,游戏中的女英雄——赏金猎人意外从游戏中穿越到现实,认作小星做为她的召唤师,成为小星的女仆。女仆叫莎莎,是一个遇见危机的时候会自动启动战斗模式,平常则是白纸一张的懵懂姑娘。小星因家中突然出现这样一位奇葩又绝色的姑娘,也是无从下手,不知道怎么处理,只能带到学校。小星一直都没有把莎莎当做正常的人类看待,加上心中有了女神李若希,便经常拿莎莎作为追求李若希的试练品,而莎莎并不懂得人类的情感,只是一味的配合主人。就在小星追求若希的同时,莎莎本身爆发出来的魔法技能给予小星实质性的帮助和推进,引起校园恶少聪少的不满,聪少也是若希的追求者,根本无法容忍小星这样的人去追求李若希,便欺负小星,莎莎看到小星受欺负,就开启战斗模式,惩罚了聪少一伙,保护小星的安全,而聪少绝非善罢甘休的人,就在小星精心准备的海边求爱仪式上,联合波比等人一起对小星和莎莎下了黑手……