回复 :《做家务的男人们》是KBS2一档观展现男人们在家里做家务的样子的观察真人秀。
回复 :Jane Austen remains one of the greatest writers of all time. Almost two hundred years after her death, her novels such as “Pride and Prejudice” and “Mansfield Park” continue to entrance generations of readers the world over. This film shatters any assumption that Austen herself lived the elegant Regency life of her financially comfortable heroines who ultimately find their true love.Instead it reveals the real Jane Austen as part of strata of Regency society much crueller in its treatment of women and harsher in its economic realities than her novels and their current television adaptations convey. And it discovers a woman more tragic in her own personal love life who does not enjoy the “happy ending” that she bestows upon her own female characters.Through readings and dramatic reconstructions, The Real Jane Austen pieces together the reality of Austen’s existence her modest upbringing in Hampshire as one of seven children of a clergyman; her disappointment in love; and the family’s poverty following the death of her father.Through her writing Jane found financial independence without having to marry. Tragically only four years later in July 1817 while writing “Persuasion” Jane Austen died.Filmed in locations associated with Austen including Jane’s birth place of Steventon and her later home in Chawton, and illustrated with extracts from film and television adaptations of Austen’s work, The Real Austen paints a vivid portrait of one of the greatest talents in English literature.
回复 :" 大咖影后走出户外,旅行圆梦一边工作,与惊喜嘉宾一同拜访台湾各地憨人,深入关怀在地议题,体验乡间的生活与文化! " - 编辑推荐 “民宿板娘”杨贵媚、“国民婆婆”钟欣凌、“俗女推手”严艺文组成资深美少女旅行团,展开以回馈和服务在地为目标的人生清单之旅。从高雄特色小渔村蚵仔寮出发,行经充满孤味精神的台南安平,更远离本岛前往海上明珠小琉球。旅程中与各地平凡却伟大的憨人们学习在地精神,从不同的地方议题反思人生意义,共谱温馨感人的回忆。